Anyhooooooo, I just went into my studio 30 minutes ago, and took the photos, added digital text, cropped them, made this page, took photos of it, cropped it and am now typing to you and uploading this post - seriously, in 30 minutes. Did I know what I was going to do before I got home? NO. I DID know that it would use this star cello bag that my son came home with from a bday party. Today is garbage day. It flew out of his garbage when I picked it up. I took it as a "sign" that it was to be used :) It INSPIRED me to USE it! Then when I walked into my studio tonight there was an ORANGE STAR on the table...I was INSPIRED to use it as well (so I cut more obviously). I took out my Lomography camera to use tomorrow and was INSPIRED to take a photograph of it for posterity and voila! The whole thing came together! And that my friends, was today's process. So enough talking, here's the finished product - hope you like it: 

And I hope this inspires you to be INSPIRED by the everyday, MUNDANE, hey, even the GARBAGE! LOL...have a great night! More tomorrow :) Have fun creating!
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