Okey Dokey...
Let's see...I've been posting my latest posts from the 'ol laptop which does NOT have my photos on it, so I thought I would post a visual diary today to catch you up on the life of the familia...
Here we go :)
Jonah and Dad at "soul patch" night at the Mariners...thanks for the tickets Cuzy Carmen!
Speaking of cousins...check out these three cuties! Can't tell their related, can you?!?!? LOL!

Grandpa Bill retired and we all chipped in and gave him a GPS system...obviously, once he realized what it was he was tickled! Seth is sooooooooo proud of the "worm" cupcakes I made for him to take to school on his SIXTH birthday to share with his friends!!! YUM!
Still plugging away at my Library of Memories class and LOVING it! Oh, and remember that impromtu bday party I planned for Seth, seriously, I think there were 20 kids in the house...you can only see 1/2 of them here...it was so much fun though!
Remember that snow I told you we came home to after we got back from Arizona? Well it snowed yet AGAIN a couple of weeks after that! So what do April SNOW showers bring in May??? I'm afraid to ask! And Lar HAD to take a photo of our colorful dinner...he's so proud that I cook most every night - glad he appreciates it! :) And here's Seth, so excited about his newly organized room - Daddy and G'pa Ski made the dividers for his closet and I bought the cloth drawers and made tags for them - notice his Bionicles on the shelf? He just loves it!
We're still reeling in folks over here to play ROCK BAND! Oh YEAH! Have you had a turn yet? Here are our latest band members, Kolt, Tamila, Darby, Isaac and of course Jonah! He can really rock it out...and if Rock Band isn't your thing, how about a bite to eat in the kitchen? I just LOVE a COLORFUL kitchen! I love my fruit/veggie basket in the kitchen!

Here I am with some of my "favorites" at the Volunteer Appreciation dinner last week at the Stilly Senior Center. I don't get to see Bill hardly at all now since we don't work on the same days anymore due to his health (he's the one in white). I sure do love the people I work with there! So hey, here's a question for you...can you NAME THIS BIRD? IF SO, please leave me a comment with what type of bird you think it is...it's new to me and has a parrot like beak - loves the sunflower seeds. There are 3-4 of them around here...very pretty. Some are more yellow than others, too big for a finch and the beak is different.
Okay, thanks for looking...more later this week! Off to sort and organize some photos!
Post a comment and let me know you're reading this so I know it's worthwhile to keep it up! LOL!
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Loved your comment on my blog -- and LOVED browsing yours!
I'm so proud of you ...
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