LOVING my new Wireless!

No I was not dead, nor was I lying in a ditch. NO, my sons did not tie me up in the backyard and try to use me as a human sacrifice (shhhh, don't give them any ideas!) I merely forgot the time and it slipped right by! WHOOSHED by is more like it! Here is a smattering of what I was up to....celebrating Jonah's 10th birthday with a bowling party at Strawberry Lanes in Marysville, celebrating my 30th birthday with a camping trip to Pacific Beach, WA and drinks with the girls at Red Robin plus a belated Murder Mystery Luau party at our house. We hosted three different guys from the U.K. for a total of three weeks this summer - all of them great guys, Oli, Rich and Stephen (in alphabetical order Stephen, nothing else!) - they were over here coaching soccer for the kids here in Arlington...HI GUYS IF YOU'RE READING THIS! MISS YOU ALL! Hanging out with my brother Adam from AZ and my niece Sara, doing the Evergreen State Fair with the extended Family...meeting new babies galore...getting ready for the M.O.P.S. year (Mothers of PreSchoolers), trying to teach our new puppy Super Jake some new tricks :) HA! Stamping in my "spare" time - not! LOL! Getting the boys ready for their new school this year at Highland Christian Academy - yes, they are both in school full-time now - and YES it is WEIRD! Let's just sum it up to say, they are adjusting to the long 7 hour days...both boys had soccer camp this summer and Jonah is continuing to rock the field with his mad skills and Seth is trying to learn some discipline in Tae Kwon Do...he's actually pretty good, if he'd just LISTEN! Ah...the thorn in my parental side! That "listening" thing! Let's see, we went to an Aquasox game, Jonah and Lar made to a SeaHawks game...yes, all in all we managed to pack a whole lot in those last 4-5 weeks...so here are some photos to prove it...and boy am I shattered from it all!
Stephen & Ginger Rich The Scottland BoyZ Oli, Oli, Oli!!!!!
Rich's 1st S'smore! Love those socks! Sara my cutie pie! The kiddos w/Webbley
Iian's new baby & Adam Doin' the Fair w/Fam. Campin' w/the Bayler's!
Happy Hugs from Angie Backyard S'mores & wine! Pacific Beach Lovin'

1st Day of School Check out Jake's ears! Luau Time! Nice Muscles!
Family Time at the Aquasox Game
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