wwww.JessicaSprague.com - registration begins Oct. 20th and is FREE!
Let's take this online class together so we can tell our Stories and have something to chat about TOGETHER! :)
Want to get together before this? Come over on Friday...I'm having a Tastefully Simple party at my house at 11:30am - Yummy snacks will served (it's a food company!) - perfect time of day to take a lunch break if you're working! And trust me, by Friday, you'll be wanting a GIRLFRIEND break from all of the rain we're supposed to get this week - ugh!
Another project I just challenged myself with is from Ali Edwards - her A Week in the Life album. You can find the details here: http://aliedwards.typepad.com/_a_/a-week-in-the-life.html I don't know about you, but because of my last post, I NEED to just dive in and make myself DO something! I haven't even begun my creative journey yet...so here goes! I picked up my camera this a.m. (and as you can see, started blogging again last night!). I started scrapping again Sat. night and ordered up a BUNCH of photos from Shutterfly Sat. afternoon...I feel a creative spree coming on!
Want to go to Croptoberfest with me on Nov. 1st? I think there's still room...it's from 9am - 11pm and is around $35 I think...let me know - I'm going to be registering this week...I need some CREATIVE GIRL time!
AND I also have the Etsy shop 1/2 completed...excited about that! I'll post more once it's done and open for business :)
Hugs to you! Stay dry! Let me know you're alive...drop a comment, an email, or show up Friday :)
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