Well well! How was YOUR holiday? We had TONS of snow here so we had a little change up in plans...needless to say no one was getting around very well as we aren't set up around here for this kind of snow! So we did make it to my in-laws for Christmas Eve and had a wonderful time, unfortunately my sil and bil didn't make it up from Newcastle (they live on an insane hill) but we're hoping to reschedule with them later. On Jesus' birthday we hung out as a family and had a nice relaxing day. No one was coming or going anywhere. It was kind of nice! Very laid back and reflective! My parents were able to make it out the next day and we had a great day together. So we got to have 3 days of Christmas this year!
Satuday night we hosted UFC 92 fight night here at the house - now that was fun! We had attended one at a friends' house before, but the snow was so heavy up at their place that they canceled holding it so we took it over - it was a hoot! We may make it a regular thing amongst our friends, rotating houses...good, clean (?) fun! And I loved getting to talk to friends, mingle, eat and shout at the tv! LOL!
Yesterday we finally had church again (ours had been cancelled because of so much snow in the parking lots!) - it was a GREAT service! We go to Marysville Church of the Nazarene - you can see what they're about here : http://www.marysville-nazarene.org/content Great message this week! It REALLY hit home with us! We LOVED it! Then after church friends who had moved away who we haven't seen in 4 years came by for a long visit - I LOVE that about the holidays!!! FOOD, FRIENDS and FAMILY!
Today the boys have a dodgeball/flag football birthday party to attend - talk about boy fun! YES, it's indoors! LOL...we need to go out and get the birthday present today - THAT ought to be fun...taking two boys to Target to pick out a bday present for another boy! Yeah, right. Oh, and we need tp from Costco, don't let me forget, okay, gee, thanks! :)
I know, this post is TOTALLY reading like a "TO DO" list or more like a "WE'VE DONE" list, but what can I say, I'm out of practice! I started homeschooling Jonah back in mid-November, that's when my posts REALLY starting slacking off and I started Facebooking as well, it's more of an immediate response thing, see I LIKE feedback! :) So, I need to get back into the "swing" of things around here on BLOGGER.
So if you're out there and reading this, give me some feedback, let me know how your holidays were, and whatever else you like.
Okay, I need to shower and take my Wii Fit Test for the day...ah yes, something else that's new - Wii Fit! Got it for Christmas - thanks Mom! (It's my new gym since our gym membership is frozen due to no job still! :( )
Okay...seriously....off to shower now!