Friday, November 28, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We technically started decorating before Thanksgiving...but only because Lar was so ON TOP OF THINGS this year, he had taken the boxes down out of the attic a day or two in advance so I'd have them at the ready. BUT, it drove me nuts to have boxes lining my hallway, all the way up to the ceiling, so I had to start unpacking them the next day! Usually I wait until the day after anyhoooooo, it's definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!
In light of the job situation around here we are taking a lighter approach to Christmas. We are making a lot of our gifts, and going with what we already had purchased prior to the layoff. I hope everyone understands...I'm guessing they won't care too much. I am lucky that way. Awhile back it would have been a HUGE issue for some, but we took a stance a few years ago telling our loved ones that we were becoming too materialistic. And we didn't want people (including us) stressing over spending too much money and trying to figure out how to pay it off later. So now we pay cash for everything and make at least half of our gifts.
What do YOU do for the holidays? What do you look forward to the most? I know it might be bizarre, but my mom makes this cheeseball that is to die for! I look forward to it each year! :) And I look forward to Christmas Eve at my parents-in-law's house....I like cozying up in front of their fireplace. tell....please leave a comment or send me an email :) BTW, have YOU started decorating yet?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Thankful!

Happy THANKSgiving everyone!

I LOVE that we have a holiday that is entirely dedicated to being THANKFUL! I don't know about you, but I often think about the things I'm thankful for. This year, we instituted a journal that sits on the kitchen table, it says "Happiness Must be Grown in One's Own Garden" We all are using it to write down the things that we are thankful for. I am LOVING this! Seth drew a couple of pictures and wrote that he is thankful for "mi buter" - LOL! I so enjoy how he spells things just like they sound to him! Jonah wrote that he is thankful for "my brother Seth" - awww! That just makes a mother's heart melt! And Lar wrote about an experience recently and said that he is thankful for a Father that he can spend time with. Isn't that the BEST?

Anyway, I just wanted to share a few things that I'm thankful for this year - I'd love to hear what you're thankful for as well - please leave a comment and share :)

I am thankful for:
  • my parents, and my parents-in-law -both who care!
  • the opportunity to stay at home and raise my boys

  • for a strong husband (and that he's a complete dork like me!)

  • for heat!
  • for snuggly blankets (and boys to snuggle!)
  • coffee! (can I get an "Amen!"?)
  • the freedom of religion and being able to publicly praise God!
  • our new church home
  • girlfriends
  • deciding to homeschool
  • random hugs and kisses
  • a tight-knit family

  • home cooking!

  • creativity
  • art supplies
  • a cozy home

  • my extended family members - we are all close!
  • the computer
  • music
  • the opportunity to spend more time with Larry right now
  • a family who appreciates me
  • the calm that comes with knowing I am not in charge
  • my camera!
  • having a body that will still allow me to do yoga, Zumba, dance and walk the dogs!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Holiday Season Begins!

And so it has! I have gotten out my Holiday Book...the super secret book that I keep track of all my holiday doings/buyings/sendings/comings and goings in! WHEW! It keeps me from losing my mind. Thought I'd get a head start this year with Lar still out of work it'll take some extra planning to make the 'ol dollar stretch this time around.

FINALLY got the Etsy shop up and running today! YAY! My partner was very excited (she is the craftswoman for this endeavor) as she has been UBER-patient with me in figuring out how to set up the shop part of it. Now that I know how, I'm thinking I just might have to open one up for my own stylings and creations!

Sooooooooooooooo, what I want to know is, what is your favorite holiday tradition? What are you LOOKING FORWARD to this year? AND, what is the one tradition that you could LEAVE BEHIND? Something you do, but really don't know why you do it a comment and let me are mine:

I LOVE getting down the decorations the day after Thanksgiving (yes, when many of you crazy people are out shopping!) and sorting through my decorations and deciding what's going to stay and what's got to go...I've been simplifying my "style" since last year...much better!

I COULD DO WITHOUT the "Under $x amount gift exchanges". I like to attend the parties, etc. but I really don't need or want the chintzy little gifts - I don't like to buy them and don't know what to do with them after I receive them! I'd much rather do a White Elephant gift exchange (you give or regift something you already have) where there is humor involved and you don't have to feel bad about pitching it afterwards!
(Okay, so I actually kept this one, but you get the idea! LOL!)

Monday, November 03, 2008


And just remember...

No matter what, no matter who, no matter when,

God will still be in charge.


Now do you feel better?

I know I do!